Nominations and Voting

Participation in the nomination and voting for new members and awards is a critical process in maintaining the vitality of the Society. In the fall of each year, we will request nominations for new members (depending on vacancies) and for the Cattell Award. Members will then be able to vote for new members, the Tanaka Award, and the Cattell Award. New Members (Article V; By-Laws). Upon determining that vacancies in the active membership exist, the Coordinating Officer shall invite each member to make no more than two nominations, each accompanied by a statement on the qualifications of the nominee. From the nominations, the Coordinating Officer, on behalf of the Trustees, shall prepare a slate including at least twice as many candidates as are to be elected. The slate shall be circulated to the membership for a vote. Each member may vote for as many candidates as are to be elected or one-half the number of nominees, whichever is greater. Persons on the slate shall be invited to join the society in the order of the size of the vote they receive. Invitations shall be extended until enough new members have joined the Society to fill the vacancies or until the votes for a candidate are less than one-fourth the number of members voting, whichever comes first. If a vacancy occurs in the year immediately following an election, and if the vote for a candidate not accepted for membership was larger than one-fourth the number of members voting, that candidate may be admitted to membership in the year immediately following the election, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.